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Reasons for relationship coaching

Why do people confide in a relationship coach when they have partnership problems? Often the best friend, close relatives or other confidants are the first point of contact when it comes to difficulties in the relationship .

The idea of having to seek professional help is often a deterrent. Feelings of guilt and old beliefs like “I always fail” can come from feeling that you have failed in the relationship .

If you cannot find a solution on your own or in exchange with friends, a conversation with the relationship coach is the better alternative. A coach is a trained listener who analyzes what is said and puts it into a meaningful context.

The nine most common reasons for visiting a relationship coach are:

In addition, any situation in which we feel rejected by our partner can be a reason to seek expert support from a relationship coach.

Your way to more relief in your life


1:1 Coaching

Together we can create new perspectives, examine your past and thoroughly determine current situations. In doing so, we find out from which aspects it comes and look for solutions on how you can master them. 1:1 coaching can be booked individually – you determine the duration. 

Online Seminars

Seminars can help to gain new perspectives and deepen existing knowledge. They’re a great way to stay motivated and grow. In addition, seminars enable exchanges with other participants who have had similar experiences.


If you practice regularly and want to work on your progress, you can follow these simple tips. So you can focus on staying on the ball and making your progress measurable.

NLP Coaching

Relationship coaching topics

In principle, all topics related to a relationship can be discussed within the framework of relationship coaching. Examples of relationship issues discussed during coaching are:

Book a Coaching

We are there for you in different ways:


You can get advice from your lover over the phone – seven days a week and from anywhere in the world.

Coaching BY VIDEO

You can talk to us via video, e.g. via Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, Whatsapp or the particularly data-secure RedConnect video consultation.

Coaching LIVE

In XXX you can also get live advice from some of our team people in the practice.

To begin a new life

Contact me

Is it even worth getting relationship coaching? What can relationship counseling achieve? Is your relationship in crisis? Have you already thought about separating and want to give your partnership another chance?

Relationship coaching can be inspiring and liberating. In a conversation with the relationship coach, new solutions emerge that you have not considered before. Talking to relationship professionals is easier than having heated arguments with your partner.

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Contact Us

1408 Blocks Valley, Sydney, 
NSW 2060, 

Tel: (+61) 555-1408

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